Kweera Properties

Kweera Properties is a leading Limited Liability Real Estate firm located in Bulindo-Kira, at Bulindo Business Centre. We specialize in the rental, sale, and management of residential and commercial properties, serving both individuals and corporate entities with tailored real estate solutions.

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'Get In Touch'

Bulindo, Opposite Total - Bulindo
Bulindo - Kira , Wakiso , Uganda
+256 767 195 146
+256 757 316 629

Contacting Us

Phone: +256-761-95146
Tel: +256-757-31629

About Kweera

Kweera Properties is a leading Limited Liability Real Estate firm located in Bulindo-Kira, at Bulindo Business Centre. We specialize in the rental, sale, and management of residential and commercial properties, serving both individuals and corporate entities with tailored real estate solutions.